Will Power

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Greatest: Marouane Fellaini's Choice

Next up to tackle 'The Greatest' feature on ManUtd.com is Manchester United midfielder Marouane Fellaini. Find out which footballers, sportsmen and statesmen have most impressed the Belgian...


Footballer I've ever seen: I’ve played with some great players here. Wazza [Wayne Rooney] is a great player, Ryan Giggs too. I really liked to watch Zinedine Zidane. He was a great player to watch.

Goal I've scored: My one against West Brom [last season] - it was a great goal.

Sportsman outside of football: You have to look at the career of Michael Jordan in basketball. He was amazing.

Place I've ever visited: I can’t choose one! Everywhere I have been there is something nice to see.

Person I’ve ever met: I’d say the King of Belgium when we came back from the World Cup last year. It was a really good experience. He came to visit the squad and talked with us. It was a great feeling.

Stadium I’ve played at aside from Old Trafford: The Maracana in Brazil at the World Cup. It was a great experience to play in a stadium with a name as famous as that and Brazil is also a great country.

Thing about being a Red: Manchester United is one of the biggest clubs in the world so I’m proud to be here.

Credit: Manutd.com