My "New" Home
Do you agree with me that having your house repainted really feels like moving into a new place?
I have this kind of feeling, although I have been staying in my current home for the past 19 years.
I have to admit that any form of improvements to the house, be it renovation, decoration, upgrading or so on, is really very tough work.
Our family has therefore decided that our house will be undergoing painting work because it has been 3 years since we last renovated our home. In addition, we have also decided that the painting job must be completed in the space of 2 days.As the festive season is just around the corner, hiring people to do the painting job is really very diffcult. We have been contacting numerous companies, but they are unable to match our expectations in terms of budget and schedule.
After much effort and countless rejections, we have finally found a contractor who is willing to help. He is being recommended to us by my mum's friend and has charged a fee of $850 which is really value for money for a 4 room flat.
Well, it has been a very busy 2 days for me and my family. We have to shift the furniture around for the painters to carry about their tasks with ease. Moreover, we also have to ensure that they do not give us shoddy piece of work and that they strictly adhere to our schedule.There are both good and bad about the completion of the renovation work. The best part should be the final outcome and that it matches to your expectations. The bad part? Definitely should be the hours spent on cleaning up... .
Is the amount of $850 well spent? Definitely! My house looks as good as new, feels much cosier than before and is much more attractive.
We have decided to renovate our house in order to welcome the New Year 2007 and also the upcoming Lunar New Year, which is just 2 months away. We hope that this will bring us an abundance of luck and prosperity for the whole family.
I have taken some pictures of my "new" home. Hope that you will like it as much as I do. Lastly, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Yours Sincerely,

My room (it looks like white in this picture, but it is atually an extremely pale shade of purple....)
Pretty in Pink (my parents room....)
The kitchen (white colour makes it look brighter and cleaner...)
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