Rooney, Wes & Carrick Tell All

Wayne Rooney, Wes Brown and Michael Carrick talk to Inside United about life as a Red and tales from Carrington...
Who have been your players of the year for United? Berba, Nani and Vida have been mentioned by fans…
Carrick: I’d go for Nani because of his goals, assists and overall performances this season. He’s made a great contribution.
Rooney: I’d say Berba. He’s scored a lot of goals for us including some really important ones and us forwards need to stick together!
Brown: It’s a difficult one, but I’ve got to go for Vida again, closely followed by Nani and Chris Smalling, who has done really well in his first season.
Do you ever have dreams about games or certain moments in a season?
Rooney: The day before a game I always ask Albert [the kitman] which kit we’ll be wearing - shirt, shorts and socks so I can try to visualise the game and scoring a goal.
Brown: Yeah he wakes up shouting ‘yes’ like he’s celebrating a goal!
Carrick: I sleep a lot better before games than I did when I was younger. I’ve never really got nervous, but when I was younger I always had that feeling of excitement and I just couldn’t wait for the game to come. Now, after a week with the kids I sleep very easily!
Do you ever have a little reflective moment during a game when you look up, see a packed stadium, and have to pinch yourself that you’re a professional footballer playing for Manchester United?
Brown: You don’t really think about that in a game because you’re just thinking about getting the job done.
Rooney: Yeah as Wes says there isn’t really time in a match unless someone is maybe down injured for a while.
Carrick: Sometimes if you’re playing in a really big game and you’re winning comfortably and there’s a break in play, you might take a minute to look around the ground especially if the atmosphere is really good. But most of the time, like the others said, you’re just focused on doing your job.
Whenever we see pictures taken at the training ground it looks like you have a heck of a laugh alongside the hard work you put in. Is that a fair reflection?
Rooney: Yes definitely. It’s just a great club to be at and be part of. There’s always a lot of banter going on, most of it aimed at Wes.
Brown: Yeah it is!
Apparently Wayne and Fletch are always up to things, is that true?
Brown: I’d include Nani in that too.
Carrick: Ando as well…
Rooney: Me and Fletch lead each other on...
Brown: They’re like two little kids.
Rooney: Carrers [Carrick] is always there just smiling in the background...
Carrick: You can’t get too involved because you know it’ll come back to haunt you so I like to keep a safe distance away.
Rooney: Yeah, Carrers is the one stirring things up and me and Fletch are the hit men.
Carrick: And Wes is the one who takes it all!
Brown: Not all of it! I don’t mind though because we always have a good laugh. We have to give one of the kit men John Campbell a mention too. We give him a lot of stick every day but he takes it brilliantly and is a really top man.
Do dodgy items of clothing still get hung up in the dressing room?
Rooney: Not as much now.
Carrick: The thing you have to be ready for is sweaty socks and strappings being launched at you after training.
Giggsy seems to be a god-like figure in the dressing room. Are you allowed to take the mickey out of him or is he untouchable?
Rooney: His locker isn’t!
Carrick: No-one does anything to Giggsy, really, do they? There’s that respect thing for him.
Brown: It’s the same with Scholesy.
Carrick: They still get involved in the banter. Giggsy can be quite quiet but then he’ll throw in a very dry one-liner.
What’s been the funniest moment at Carrington ever?
Rooney: It’ll have to have involved Gary Neville…
Carrick: Someone’s trainers got cut up once didn’t they… [All laugh]
Rooney: Me and Fletch cut through a pair of Wes’ trainers one day and pushed them back together so it looked like nothing had changed. But when he picked one of them up to put on, the heel just came off in his hand! [All laugh]
Brown: I got them back though, don’t worry!